A vontade de fazer trabalhos e de escrever sobre isso há-de voltar... Mas para já, o blogue hiberna.
Some day my craft mojo will come back. Meanwhile, the blog is in a sort of hibernation.
sábado, dezembro 12, 2009
quinta-feira, outubro 15, 2009
Ainda cá ando /Still here
Mas sem vontade de trabalhos manuais, embora com vontade de ter vontade de os retomar. Há épocas assim!
But not in the mood for crafting yet, though I wish I would get in the mood for crafts soon. I hope to restart knitting soon, maybe when it gets cooler.
But not in the mood for crafting yet, though I wish I would get in the mood for crafts soon. I hope to restart knitting soon, maybe when it gets cooler.
Está aí alguém?/Anybody there?,
No crafting yet
quinta-feira, julho 23, 2009
Meme (imagens/pictures)
Só em inglês, estou sem vontade de traduzir para português. Encontrado algures na net.
Found somewhere online.
-Post ten of any pictures currently on your hard drive that you think are self-expressive.
-NO CAPTIONS!!! It must be like we're speaking with images and we have to interpret your visual language just like we have to interpret your words.
-They must ALREADY be on your hard drive - no googling or flickr! They have to have been saved to your folders sometime in the past. They must be something you've saved there because it resonated with you for some reason.
-You do NOT have to answer any questions about any of your pictures if you don't want to. You can make them as mysterious as you like. Or you can explain them away as much as you like.
Here are mine. Odd as the set may seem, there's a logic to this set of pictures...
Feel free to do this meme, feel free to comment here if you did this meme, feel free to comment on my pictures and feel free to try to make them fit into a story...
Found somewhere online.
-Post ten of any pictures currently on your hard drive that you think are self-expressive.
-NO CAPTIONS!!! It must be like we're speaking with images and we have to interpret your visual language just like we have to interpret your words.
-They must ALREADY be on your hard drive - no googling or flickr! They have to have been saved to your folders sometime in the past. They must be something you've saved there because it resonated with you for some reason.
-You do NOT have to answer any questions about any of your pictures if you don't want to. You can make them as mysterious as you like. Or you can explain them away as much as you like.
Here are mine. Odd as the set may seem, there's a logic to this set of pictures...
Feel free to do this meme, feel free to comment here if you did this meme, feel free to comment on my pictures and feel free to try to make them fit into a story...
terça-feira, julho 07, 2009
Seda/Silk: Mawata vs. silk cap
A seda continua a ser fiada. Não sei como se diz em português, mas vinha quase toda sob a forma de mawata squares, com excepção daquela que estou a fia agora, que vem em silk caps. (Caso algum(a) leitor(a) saiba traduzir, fico muito grata)./ Silk is being spun. Most was bought as mawata squares (also called silk hankies), but the mauve-coloured one I'm spinning now is from silk caps.
Comparados com os silk caps, os quadrados de seda (mawata), mais pequenos, satisfazem a vontade de ver algo pronto mais depressa, porque se esticam (para fiar) mais depressa também. E separam-se mais direitinhos uns dos outros (é por isso que eu vou tirando cada camada de seda do interior do silk cap: assim a parte desarranjada fica escondida :) ). De resto, não há diferenças na fiação. / Comparison: mawata squares are much smaller than silk caps, so they are better to satisfy any sudden urge to see the spun single right away, as they are faster to draft/stretch. And they separate into neater, nicer-looking layers (when spinning a silk cap, I take each layer from the inside, in order to hide the mess ;) In fact, I turn it inside-out, remove one layer, tuck the mess, and turn outside-in again). The spinning experience is otherwise similar.
Quando terminar estas, fica a faltar a seda em branco cru. São 50 g, e ainda não sei se hei-de fiar assim em cru, ou tingi-la primeiro de alguma cor. Mas talvez me atire mesmo a fiar em cru, e depois se verá o que faço com toda a seda. / Now I'm spinning these mauve/brown/vaguely purple silk (not blue as it seems in the picture) caps. And then I'll spin 50 g of natural-coloured mawata squares. Or I'll dye them before spinning, but I feel inclined to spin them the colour they are, and then I'll decide what to do with the double-plied handspun :)
Por fim, os números, ou a prova de que a espessura com que fio a seda é irregular / Finally, some measurements that show how irregular is the thickness of my handspun:
9g rosa e azul / pink and blue: 26 m
11-12g rosa / pink: 50 m
7g laranja / orange: 21 m
4g verde / green: 14 m
50 g branco cru (ainda por fiar) / Natural white unspun
24g malva em cap (a ser fiada) / mauve in caps, being spun right now ;)
Comparados com os silk caps, os quadrados de seda (mawata), mais pequenos, satisfazem a vontade de ver algo pronto mais depressa, porque se esticam (para fiar) mais depressa também. E separam-se mais direitinhos uns dos outros (é por isso que eu vou tirando cada camada de seda do interior do silk cap: assim a parte desarranjada fica escondida :) ). De resto, não há diferenças na fiação. / Comparison: mawata squares are much smaller than silk caps, so they are better to satisfy any sudden urge to see the spun single right away, as they are faster to draft/stretch. And they separate into neater, nicer-looking layers (when spinning a silk cap, I take each layer from the inside, in order to hide the mess ;) In fact, I turn it inside-out, remove one layer, tuck the mess, and turn outside-in again). The spinning experience is otherwise similar.
Quando terminar estas, fica a faltar a seda em branco cru. São 50 g, e ainda não sei se hei-de fiar assim em cru, ou tingi-la primeiro de alguma cor. Mas talvez me atire mesmo a fiar em cru, e depois se verá o que faço com toda a seda. / Now I'm spinning these mauve/brown/vaguely purple silk (not blue as it seems in the picture) caps. And then I'll spin 50 g of natural-coloured mawata squares. Or I'll dye them before spinning, but I feel inclined to spin them the colour they are, and then I'll decide what to do with the double-plied handspun :)
Por fim, os números, ou a prova de que a espessura com que fio a seda é irregular / Finally, some measurements that show how irregular is the thickness of my handspun:
9g rosa e azul / pink and blue: 26 m
11-12g rosa / pink: 50 m
7g laranja / orange: 21 m
4g verde / green: 14 m
50 g branco cru (ainda por fiar) / Natural white unspun
24g malva em cap (a ser fiada) / mauve in caps, being spun right now ;)
segunda-feira, julho 06, 2009
Serviço Público: O que é caxemira / Answering the searches: Cashmere
Lately, my blog has been having lots of hits from Google Searches for "what is cashmere", but in Portuguese, and in several ortographies. As all these searches come from Brasil, the following will be written only in Portuguese, sorry.
Não sei porquê, ultimamente têm vindo cá ter muitas pesquisas no Google à procura de "caxemira", "o que é caxemira" ou inúmeras variantes ortográficas. A mais frequente é aliás "o que é cashmere", curiosamente.
Como escrevi num comentário antigo (onde as pesquisas estão a ir parar),
Alguns comentários extra: acho sempre graça à expressão "de lana caprina" para significar coisa de pouco valor, sem grande importância, dado que a cabra caxemira dá uma fibra que é bastante cara e procurada por permitir fazer tecidos simultaneamente muito finos, muito leves e muito isolantes/quentes (as fibras animais mais caras, ao que julgo saber, são as de iaque e de vicunha, bastante raras, que conseguem ser ainda mais isolantes/quentes e mais leves).
Não sei porquê, ultimamente têm vindo cá ter muitas pesquisas no Google à procura de "caxemira", "o que é caxemira" ou inúmeras variantes ortográficas. A mais frequente é aliás "o que é cashmere", curiosamente.
Como escrevi num comentário antigo (onde as pesquisas estão a ir parar),
Caxemira é um tipo de cabra. Esta cabra tem dois tipos de pêlos, tal como muitos mamíferos: os pêlos de guarda, exteriores, eriçados e duros, e o subpêlo, lanoso, macio, leve e quente. O subpêlo desta cabra é especialmente macio, leve e quente, isola bem da humidade, e e por isso é muito procurado como fibra. É a este subpêlo que se chama caxemira.
A caxemira é cara porque é muito procurada, porque as cabras caxemira não são assim tao frequentes, mas sobretudo porque recolher a caxemira é um processo demorado, porque não queremos pêlos de guarda duros e ásperos (tão duros que servem para fazer escovas!) no meio do subpêlo macio. Então, se a cabra caxemira for tosquiada, é depois preciso eliminar os pêlos de guarda, que é um processo demorado, ou então o subpêlo é recolhido penteando a cabra na época da mudança do pêlo, o que é mais demorado mas permite a passagem de menos pêlos de guarda. Seja como for, é preciso limpar a fibra várias vezes até ela ficar livre de pêlos de guarda.
Além do mais, as cabras não dão muito subpêlo, ao contrário das ovelhas que podem dar imensa lã.
Alguns comentários extra: acho sempre graça à expressão "de lana caprina" para significar coisa de pouco valor, sem grande importância, dado que a cabra caxemira dá uma fibra que é bastante cara e procurada por permitir fazer tecidos simultaneamente muito finos, muito leves e muito isolantes/quentes (as fibras animais mais caras, ao que julgo saber, são as de iaque e de vicunha, bastante raras, que conseguem ser ainda mais isolantes/quentes e mais leves).
segunda-feira, junho 29, 2009
Dias bons / Good days
Em poucas palavras: amigos daqueles que são quase irmãos; música cantada ao vivo para pouquinhos; um fim de tarde ligeiro na FIA; e dois fusos cheios de fio de seda, prontos para fazer o fio dobrado. (Há-de haver foto quando o fio estiver pronto). Há dias bons :-)
In less than 100 words: friends that are almost siblings; live music for a small audience; ending the afternoon/evening carefree at the international craft exposition; and two spindles full of silk singles, ready to ply. (Pictures when I have it all plied and skeined). Some days are just good :-)
In less than 100 words: friends that are almost siblings; live music for a small audience; ending the afternoon/evening carefree at the international craft exposition; and two spindles full of silk singles, ready to ply. (Pictures when I have it all plied and skeined). Some days are just good :-)
Vida real/Real life
sábado, junho 27, 2009
Varia 4
Um pouco na linha dos "7 Quick Takes" que tenho visto por aí: / Somewhat similar to the "7 Quick Takes" posts that I've been reading around the blogosphere:
1) Talvez se lembrem de que já vi muitas sequelas (2as e 3as partes) de filmes sem ter visto a primeira. No Sábado passado fui mais além: vi o 4º filme de uma série sem ter visto nenhum dos anteriores. / Maybe you know that I've watched a lot of sequels (2nd and 3rd parts of movies) without watching the first one. Last Saturday I reached a new level: I watched the 4th film of a series I had never watched before :)
2) Fiar dá gozo. Não é uma actividade criativa, é até algo que se faz com o cérebro quase desligado, e no entanto satisfaz o lado criativo. /Spinning is very pleasurable. While not being a creative activity (it's actually the closest I can get to not thinking at all), t satisfies my creative side :)
3) O cansaço é um círculo/ciclo? vicioso. Mas vou quebrá-lo. "Deitar cedo e cedo erguer..." / Fatigue is a vicious circle (or is it cycle?). I will break it. "Early to bed and early to rise..."
4) Isto não é um "7 Quick Takes", por isso posso ficar por aqui :) / This is not a "7 Quick Takes" post...
1) Talvez se lembrem de que já vi muitas sequelas (2as e 3as partes) de filmes sem ter visto a primeira. No Sábado passado fui mais além: vi o 4º filme de uma série sem ter visto nenhum dos anteriores. / Maybe you know that I've watched a lot of sequels (2nd and 3rd parts of movies) without watching the first one. Last Saturday I reached a new level: I watched the 4th film of a series I had never watched before :)
2) Fiar dá gozo. Não é uma actividade criativa, é até algo que se faz com o cérebro quase desligado, e no entanto satisfaz o lado criativo. /Spinning is very pleasurable. While not being a creative activity (it's actually the closest I can get to not thinking at all), t satisfies my creative side :)
3) O cansaço é um círculo/ciclo? vicioso. Mas vou quebrá-lo. "Deitar cedo e cedo erguer..." / Fatigue is a vicious circle (or is it cycle?). I will break it. "Early to bed and early to rise..."
4) Isto não é um "7 Quick Takes", por isso posso ficar por aqui :) / This is not a "7 Quick Takes" post...
Vida real/Real life
segunda-feira, junho 22, 2009
Poucas palavras / Few words
Por culpa da Ana ;) , ontem retomei algo que tinha começado noutro Verão. Eu a fiar em público, à noite, numa esplanada, ela a tricotar em público na mesma esplanada. E mais dois gelados :)
It's all her fault ;) Yesterday I grabbed a work in progress I had abandoned in a previous summer. She knit in public, I spun in public, at night, on an open-air table of a café (how do you say "esplanada" in English, dear bilingual / multilingual readers?). And two ice-creams at our table :)
quarta-feira, junho 10, 2009
(Dia Mundial de Tricotar em Público / WorldWide Knit in Public Day)
Aqui perto de mim, no Sábado, e eu não vou conseguir ir :( Espero que se divirtam muito! / Next Saturday, and I will not be able to go :( I hope you will have fun!
Aqui perto de mim, no Sábado, e eu não vou conseguir ir :( Espero que se divirtam muito! / Next Saturday, and I will not be able to go :( I hope you will have fun!
domingo, junho 07, 2009
sexta-feira, junho 05, 2009
Meme (old_draft)
Rascunho de Maio de 2007 / Draft from May 2007
Não faço ideia onde encontrei este meme. Penso que ficou perdido nos rascunhos porque pode ser tão pessoal ou tão impessoal quanto eu quiser. No rascunho dizia para escrever 6 coisas relativas a cada data, mas é muito, fico-me pelas 4. E ainda nada de trabalhos manuais... (a partir daqui só em inglês, desculpem)
I have no idea where I found this meme, that can be very personal or not personal at all. I tried to strike a balance between sharing a bit of my life but not too much (this is a public blog and I wouldn't feel comfortable). It had 6 items on each entry, but I decided to share only 4! (no crafting to share yet...)
20 years ago (1989)
1) I was at school (of course) in a class where I didn't really fit in. Was a clumsy teenager with glasses, a haircut that made me look way older (I finally had my long long hair cut that year, no more pigtails for me), nerdy and a bit weird.
2) Was really surprised, and I must admit, hopeful, with the fall of Berlin Wall and huge changes in Eastern Europe.
3) Soon discovered that after all human beings hadn't changed that much.
4) Thought that at 30 I would be married and have quite a bunch of kids. And be a bit old ;)
10 years ago (1999)
1) Last year of my licenciatura. Which means I finished my undergraduate degree (5 years). Still nerdy, but among nerds :) Instead of glasses, I had contact lenses, my hair was longer again, and I was no longer a teenager, so a bit less clumsy.
2) Had lots of plans that didn't go quite as planned.
3) Had become a Christian the previous year, but hadn't found "my" church yet.
4) Thought that at 30 I would be in another country doing exciting things.
5 years ago (2004)
1) Moved into the house where I live now.
2) Had become a Catholic (I still am one :) ), found a parish, joined the choir and got confirmed.
3) Was slowly starting a relationship with one of my close friends.
4) Do not remember what I thought I would be doing at 30...
1 year ago (2008)
1) Finished my dissertation. Worked in a (sort of) conventional job.
2) Still live in the same house, still am a Catholic, still am on the same parish and on the same choir.
3) But the relationship ended (on friendly terms).
4) Was already older than 30, and thought that after all being 30-something is still being young ;)
1) Who knows!...
Não faço ideia onde encontrei este meme. Penso que ficou perdido nos rascunhos porque pode ser tão pessoal ou tão impessoal quanto eu quiser. No rascunho dizia para escrever 6 coisas relativas a cada data, mas é muito, fico-me pelas 4. E ainda nada de trabalhos manuais... (a partir daqui só em inglês, desculpem)
I have no idea where I found this meme, that can be very personal or not personal at all. I tried to strike a balance between sharing a bit of my life but not too much (this is a public blog and I wouldn't feel comfortable). It had 6 items on each entry, but I decided to share only 4! (no crafting to share yet...)
20 years ago (1989)
1) I was at school (of course) in a class where I didn't really fit in. Was a clumsy teenager with glasses, a haircut that made me look way older (I finally had my long long hair cut that year, no more pigtails for me), nerdy and a bit weird.
2) Was really surprised, and I must admit, hopeful, with the fall of Berlin Wall and huge changes in Eastern Europe.
3) Soon discovered that after all human beings hadn't changed that much.
4) Thought that at 30 I would be married and have quite a bunch of kids. And be a bit old ;)
10 years ago (1999)
1) Last year of my licenciatura. Which means I finished my undergraduate degree (5 years). Still nerdy, but among nerds :) Instead of glasses, I had contact lenses, my hair was longer again, and I was no longer a teenager, so a bit less clumsy.
2) Had lots of plans that didn't go quite as planned.
3) Had become a Christian the previous year, but hadn't found "my" church yet.
4) Thought that at 30 I would be in another country doing exciting things.
5 years ago (2004)
1) Moved into the house where I live now.
2) Had become a Catholic (I still am one :) ), found a parish, joined the choir and got confirmed.
3) Was slowly starting a relationship with one of my close friends.
4) Do not remember what I thought I would be doing at 30...
1 year ago (2008)
1) Finished my dissertation. Worked in a (sort of) conventional job.
2) Still live in the same house, still am a Catholic, still am on the same parish and on the same choir.
3) But the relationship ended (on friendly terms).
4) Was already older than 30, and thought that after all being 30-something is still being young ;)
1) Who knows!...
Memes Quizzes etc.,
domingo, maio 31, 2009
4 anos? / 4 years?
Este blogue tem já 4 anos? Quem diria!
It seems this blog completes 4 years today. I'm a bit surprised!
It seems this blog completes 4 years today. I'm a bit surprised!
Blogando sobre o blogue/Meta-blogging
sábado, maio 30, 2009
(visto em / seen in How about Orange)
Uma fonte "tricotada" / A knit font
Para quem gostar de fontes, há lá mais :)
If you like fonts, it's a nice place to check:)
Uma fonte "tricotada" / A knit font
Para quem gostar de fontes, há lá mais :)
If you like fonts, it's a nice place to check:)
terça-feira, maio 26, 2009
Geeky knitting
(Rascunho de Janeiro de 2008 / Original draft from January 2008)
O rascunho só tinha um link / The draft contained one link:
Geeky knitting.
Acrescento agora (2009) que, para quem está no Ravelry (na Ravelry? Ravelry em português fica masculino ou feminino?) há muitos grupos "geek/nerd friendly" / Now (2009) I couldn't publish this without mentioning some "geek/nerd friendly" Ravelry groups:
(Ravelry login needed)
Ankh-Morpork Knitters Guild (explanation)
Crypto Xavg (this one I will not explain, it's actually very simple)
Ivory Tower (academia in general)
Mac users and/or fans
MacGyver (hey, why not?)
Math Unraveled (crafters who are good at math helping those who aren't)
Nerdy knitters
PhD procrastination
Scientific Knitters
Software Engineers and Computer Scientists
xkcd (explanation)
e muitos mais... / and lots of other geeky groups!
O rascunho só tinha um link / The draft contained one link:
Geeky knitting.
Acrescento agora (2009) que, para quem está no Ravelry (na Ravelry? Ravelry em português fica masculino ou feminino?) há muitos grupos "geek/nerd friendly" / Now (2009) I couldn't publish this without mentioning some "geek/nerd friendly" Ravelry groups:
(Ravelry login needed)
Ankh-Morpork Knitters Guild (explanation)
Crypto Xavg (this one I will not explain, it's actually very simple)
Ivory Tower (academia in general)
Mac users and/or fans
MacGyver (hey, why not?)
Math Unraveled (crafters who are good at math helping those who aren't)
Nerdy knitters
PhD procrastination
Scientific Knitters
Software Engineers and Computer Scientists
xkcd (explanation)
e muitos mais... / and lots of other geeky groups!
segunda-feira, maio 18, 2009
Varia 3 (comentários/comments)
O que tenho a acrescentar em 2009 / What I wish to add about it now:
- O meu telemóvel novo tira fotos bem melhores que as da máquina digital gratuita que eu usava antes. / The free digital camera I had a few years ago was not great, to say the least. My new cell phone can take better pictures.
- Ainda não forrei a saca das agulhas, apesar de isso a tornar muito pouco prática. / The needle bag is still without a lining, so the needles come through the holes of the knit fabric.
- Fartei-me da meia de restinhos, desmanchei-a e comecei outro projecto com as linhas (link só para quem está no Ravelry). É no chamado crochet tunisino, que se faz com uma só agulha de barbela como as tradicionais portuguesas de tricot. Não faço ideia que vou fazer com ele, mas serve para aprender. Se for o caso desmancho-o também. / I got tired of the sock, so I frogged it and used the yarn to start another project (Ravelry login needed). It's Tunisian crochet (Portuguese traditional knitting needles are like Tunisian crochet needles, except that we knit with a pair, of course). I have no idea what this project will turn out to be, but at least I am learning a new craft. If I get tired of it I'll frog it too.
- O meu telemóvel novo tira fotos bem melhores que as da máquina digital gratuita que eu usava antes. / The free digital camera I had a few years ago was not great, to say the least. My new cell phone can take better pictures.
- Ainda não forrei a saca das agulhas, apesar de isso a tornar muito pouco prática. / The needle bag is still without a lining, so the needles come through the holes of the knit fabric.
- Fartei-me da meia de restinhos, desmanchei-a e comecei outro projecto com as linhas (link só para quem está no Ravelry). É no chamado crochet tunisino, que se faz com uma só agulha de barbela como as tradicionais portuguesas de tricot. Não faço ideia que vou fazer com ele, mas serve para aprender. Se for o caso desmancho-o também. / I got tired of the sock, so I frogged it and used the yarn to start another project (Ravelry login needed). It's Tunisian crochet (Portuguese traditional knitting needles are like Tunisian crochet needles, except that we knit with a pair, of course). I have no idea what this project will turn out to be, but at least I am learning a new craft. If I get tired of it I'll frog it too.
Varia 3 (2008)
Rascunho de Fevereiro de 2008/Original draft February 2008
Algumas fotografias antigas de trabalhos que me esquci de mostrar:/ Older pictures of WIPs and FOs I had forgotten:
1) A minha saca de agulhas. Fi-la em 2005, com um novelo de linha para meias e mais um restinho de linha cinzenta, e precisa de um forro!/My bag of knitting needles. I knit it in 2005, using a ball of sock yarn and a bit ofe grey yarn, and it needs a lining!
2) Uma foto já não muito recente, e com cores ainda piores, de umas meias feitas com vários restinhos de linha para meias. /An old and awful picture of a sock in progress using yarn leftovers.
Algumas fotografias antigas de trabalhos que me esquci de mostrar:/ Older pictures of WIPs and FOs I had forgotten:
1) A minha saca de agulhas. Fi-la em 2005, com um novelo de linha para meias e mais um restinho de linha cinzenta, e precisa de um forro!/My bag of knitting needles. I knit it in 2005, using a ball of sock yarn and a bit ofe grey yarn, and it needs a lining!
2) Uma foto já não muito recente, e com cores ainda piores, de umas meias feitas com vários restinhos de linha para meias. /An old and awful picture of a sock in progress using yarn leftovers.
quinta-feira, maio 14, 2009
Link du jour
(in Portuguese only, sorry...)
Tropecei neste link na mui famosa Ervilha Cor-de-Rosa (rima, e é verdade).
Chama-se Espólio Fotográfico Português.
O post da Rosa explica muito bem o que é. Usando as palavras dela, "quem como eu tiver família portuense tem mais motivos ainda para lá ir, mas penso que mesmo sem família de lá não deixará de ser interessante ver fotos antigas (por ano, por exemplo).
Já por lá andei à pesquisa de retratos de parentes (e encontrei dois), e dado que continuam a acrescentar fotos é de prever que eu volte a ir lá.
Tropecei neste link na mui famosa Ervilha Cor-de-Rosa (rima, e é verdade).
Chama-se Espólio Fotográfico Português.
O post da Rosa explica muito bem o que é. Usando as palavras dela, "quem como eu tiver família portuense tem mais motivos ainda para lá ir, mas penso que mesmo sem família de lá não deixará de ser interessante ver fotos antigas (por ano, por exemplo).
Já por lá andei à pesquisa de retratos de parentes (e encontrei dois), e dado que continuam a acrescentar fotos é de prever que eu volte a ir lá.
sábado, maio 09, 2009
Template: Testing, testing
Está mais fresco (e ainda vai descer nos próximos dias) e portanto é boa altura para fazer limpezas e arrumações. No caso, estou a testar cores novas aqui no blogue. Os links, bonequinhos e etc. laterais ficaram guardados num ficheiro de backup, depois decido se os ponho ou não. Para já este template pré-feito: é simples, mas ainda não me habituei a tanto verde! Se forem aparecendo mudanças, não é de admirar.
Opiniões ou sugestões são bem-vindas!
It's cooler (it will get even cooler in the next few days) and so I decided to tidy up a bit this blog. First thing is trying some new colours! The old sidebar links, toys and other things are safely tucked away in a backup file, I can re-add them later. All this green is simpler, but I'm not used to it yet. Don't be surprised if I end up trying a lot of different looks here.
Any opinions or suggestions from my readers are welcome!
Opiniões ou sugestões são bem-vindas!
It's cooler (it will get even cooler in the next few days) and so I decided to tidy up a bit this blog. First thing is trying some new colours! The old sidebar links, toys and other things are safely tucked away in a backup file, I can re-add them later. All this green is simpler, but I'm not used to it yet. Don't be surprised if I end up trying a lot of different looks here.
Any opinions or suggestions from my readers are welcome!
quinta-feira, maio 07, 2009
Calor / Too hot
Ficou demasiado calor de repente (hoje quando saí para almoçar estavam 30ºC), e dou por mim a ver sucessivamente o site da meteorologia, na esperança de ver números mais na casa dos 20 e poucos graus que mentalmente espero no princípio de Maio (senão, terei de esperar temperaturas na casa dos 40ºC no Verão, o que eu detesto).
Por este andar nunca mais retomo os meus trabalhos começados, quase todos demasiado quentes para sequer os tirar das caixas.
It's just too hot for May, these last few days (today at lunch it was around 30 degrees Celsius). I check and recheck the local weather forecast, hoping to see future maximum temperatures in the 20-25ºC span... I hope it will get cooler soon, otherwise I will have to brace myself for a summer around 40ºC, which I hate.
Almost all my UFOs are warm, too warm for me even to think of them, so no signs of crafting yet.
Por este andar nunca mais retomo os meus trabalhos começados, quase todos demasiado quentes para sequer os tirar das caixas.
It's just too hot for May, these last few days (today at lunch it was around 30 degrees Celsius). I check and recheck the local weather forecast, hoping to see future maximum temperatures in the 20-25ºC span... I hope it will get cooler soon, otherwise I will have to brace myself for a summer around 40ºC, which I hate.
Almost all my UFOs are warm, too warm for me even to think of them, so no signs of crafting yet.
No crafting yet,
Vida real/Real life
segunda-feira, maio 04, 2009
Estou cansada deste template, mas indecisa para mudar. Acho que quero um mais simples, mas convém sempre fazer um backup do template antigo. (tantos estrangeirismos! e tantos mas!)
I am tired of this template, I think I want a simpler one. I am undecided yet, though, and I want to backup the old template before trying a new one.
I am tired of this template, I think I want a simpler one. I am undecided yet, though, and I want to backup the old template before trying a new one.
Meme (2006)
Não faço ideia de quando fiz o rascunho, dado que só tem a referência do link! / Original draft written somewhere in time (I don't remember), as the draft has only the link and a comment: "I should do this".
Visto aqui. / Seen here.
Meme: 48 Things You Could Care Less About (só em inglês, desculpem)
1. FIRST NAME? Will not tell :P (some of my readers already know it, though!)
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Not really, though my mother knew someone at work with the same name when she was single, and at the time she though she would like to give that name to a future daughter.
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? I don't remember.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes. It's not perfect, but I find it nice and balanced.
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? Presunto (well-cured and not too salty) or paio do lombo :)
7. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? This blog. I tried writing a diary in my early teens, but I didn't like it.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Only if my life or the life of a loved one depended on it. Otherwise: NO.
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? I don't know. There are several kinds of cereal that I like (the most important detail is that they're neither fried nor salty). My favourite breakfast is probably milk with some coffee and toast, but I get bored and change breakfast a lot.
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Physically? No. Psychologically: reasonably strong. Not hero-strong, but strong. And somewhat resilient, I've been told.
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Not sure. I really like food, so I usually have a lot of favourites :) I like sour-fruit flavours (lemon, raspberry), liquor flavours (raisins and rum, whisky), caramel, nuts, mint and chocolate...
14. SHOE SIZE? European 36 or 37 or 38, depends on the shoe.
15. RED OR PINK? Both. As long as it's not primary red or simple "Barbie" pink, which I do not like. I like complex pinks, either warmer or dustier or reddish or mauve-ish. And almost all reds.
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Living: my friend C. who was my closest friend during adolescence, and the only friend I keep from that time. We rarely see each other now, but we keep in touch through email and messaging. Dead: my grandparents, though I did not really meet them (the last one died when I was around 18 months old). It is possible to miss someone you did not know.
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? If you want to (I suppose all internet did this meme already except me :) ), post a link in the comments.
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS, SHIRT AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Light brown casual pants, salmon print t-shirt, brown shoes, brown cardigan (it's warm, but at night the temperature still cools down a bit).
20. LAST THING YOU ATE? Dessert :)
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? An interesting podcast.
23. FAVORITE SMELL? Several. See my old Secret-Pal questionnaires.
24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Either my brother or my mother.
27. FAVORITE DRINK? Water, or unsweetened lemonade.
28. FAVORITE SPORT? I don't do sports (shame on me!).
29. EYE COLOR? Brown
30. HAT SIZE? I don't know. When I buy a hairband, sometimes they're too small. They're never too large, so I suppose medium-large?
31. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Yes, since I was 14. I sometimes wear glasses to rest my eyes a bit, but as I am a bit photosensitive I use sunglasses a lot, and it's easier to wear contacts + sunglasses. Besides, contacts give me better peripheral vision. I am nearsighted.
32. FAVORITE FOOD? I love good food. I do not have a favourite food.
33. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Not necessarily happy endings, but I simply do not go to horror/scary movies. I can handle dark movies (except if I'm going through a bad phase, then I avoid them), even very heavy scripts, even depressive scripts, but I prefer not to see very graphic violence. If a movie I see has occasional graphic scenes, I cover my eyes or do not look at the screen until the scene is over. I have been known to watch full 5 minutes of a film covering everything except the subtitles. I suppose I prefer happier endings or bittersweet endings, maybe not fairytale endings though.
35. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter. Or a cool summer ;)
36. HUGS OR KISSES? Both, but only with close friends or close family. I'm not a very touchy-feely person, though.
37. FAVORITE DESSERT? Don't know. I love fruit (raw or cooked), I love yoghurt, I love sweet desserts (but not too sweet). Maybe cottage cheese with raspberry jam or with honey and walnuts. I love cheese.
38. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Probably nobody.
39. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? See 38. (reminds me of the Index entry on a book: "Recursion (see Recursion)" ).
40. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? ::shamefully:: I have 5 or 6 books in the process of being read...
41. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? A gel pad to support my wrist. It has no special picture, it's just one colour.
42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? The news. I do not watch much TV, nowadays.
43. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Human voice, when serene. It's beautiful.
44. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Can I choose Queen?
46. WHAT'S YOUR SPECIAL TALENT? Asking questions, finding exceptions to answers, asking more questions.
47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Porto, Portugal.
48. WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? See beginning of post.
Visto aqui. / Seen here.
Meme: 48 Things You Could Care Less About (só em inglês, desculpem)
1. FIRST NAME? Will not tell :P (some of my readers already know it, though!)
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Not really, though my mother knew someone at work with the same name when she was single, and at the time she though she would like to give that name to a future daughter.
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? I don't remember.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes. It's not perfect, but I find it nice and balanced.
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? Presunto (well-cured and not too salty) or paio do lombo :)
7. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? This blog. I tried writing a diary in my early teens, but I didn't like it.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Only if my life or the life of a loved one depended on it. Otherwise: NO.
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? I don't know. There are several kinds of cereal that I like (the most important detail is that they're neither fried nor salty). My favourite breakfast is probably milk with some coffee and toast, but I get bored and change breakfast a lot.
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Physically? No. Psychologically: reasonably strong. Not hero-strong, but strong. And somewhat resilient, I've been told.
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Not sure. I really like food, so I usually have a lot of favourites :) I like sour-fruit flavours (lemon, raspberry), liquor flavours (raisins and rum, whisky), caramel, nuts, mint and chocolate...
14. SHOE SIZE? European 36 or 37 or 38, depends on the shoe.
15. RED OR PINK? Both. As long as it's not primary red or simple "Barbie" pink, which I do not like. I like complex pinks, either warmer or dustier or reddish or mauve-ish. And almost all reds.
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Living: my friend C. who was my closest friend during adolescence, and the only friend I keep from that time. We rarely see each other now, but we keep in touch through email and messaging. Dead: my grandparents, though I did not really meet them (the last one died when I was around 18 months old). It is possible to miss someone you did not know.
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? If you want to (I suppose all internet did this meme already except me :) ), post a link in the comments.
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS, SHIRT AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Light brown casual pants, salmon print t-shirt, brown shoes, brown cardigan (it's warm, but at night the temperature still cools down a bit).
20. LAST THING YOU ATE? Dessert :)
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? An interesting podcast.
23. FAVORITE SMELL? Several. See my old Secret-Pal questionnaires.
24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Either my brother or my mother.
27. FAVORITE DRINK? Water, or unsweetened lemonade.
28. FAVORITE SPORT? I don't do sports (shame on me!).
29. EYE COLOR? Brown
30. HAT SIZE? I don't know. When I buy a hairband, sometimes they're too small. They're never too large, so I suppose medium-large?
31. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Yes, since I was 14. I sometimes wear glasses to rest my eyes a bit, but as I am a bit photosensitive I use sunglasses a lot, and it's easier to wear contacts + sunglasses. Besides, contacts give me better peripheral vision. I am nearsighted.
32. FAVORITE FOOD? I love good food. I do not have a favourite food.
33. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Not necessarily happy endings, but I simply do not go to horror/scary movies. I can handle dark movies (except if I'm going through a bad phase, then I avoid them), even very heavy scripts, even depressive scripts, but I prefer not to see very graphic violence. If a movie I see has occasional graphic scenes, I cover my eyes or do not look at the screen until the scene is over. I have been known to watch full 5 minutes of a film covering everything except the subtitles. I suppose I prefer happier endings or bittersweet endings, maybe not fairytale endings though.
35. SUMMER OR WINTER? Winter. Or a cool summer ;)
36. HUGS OR KISSES? Both, but only with close friends or close family. I'm not a very touchy-feely person, though.
37. FAVORITE DESSERT? Don't know. I love fruit (raw or cooked), I love yoghurt, I love sweet desserts (but not too sweet). Maybe cottage cheese with raspberry jam or with honey and walnuts. I love cheese.
38. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Probably nobody.
39. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? See 38. (reminds me of the Index entry on a book: "Recursion (see Recursion)" ).
40. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? ::shamefully:: I have 5 or 6 books in the process of being read...
41. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? A gel pad to support my wrist. It has no special picture, it's just one colour.
42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? The news. I do not watch much TV, nowadays.
43. FAVORITE SOUNDS? Human voice, when serene. It's beautiful.
44. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Can I choose Queen?
46. WHAT'S YOUR SPECIAL TALENT? Asking questions, finding exceptions to answers, asking more questions.
47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Porto, Portugal.
48. WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? See beginning of post.
Memes Quizzes etc.,
sábado, abril 25, 2009
PDI: extra comments
O que tenho a acrescentar ao tema em 2009/What I wish to add about it now:
- Já tinha feito este teste em miúda (com 12 anos), na escola, em Têxteis, mas lembrava-me mal dos resultados. Excepto do nylon, que derrete. Usei muitas vezes esse conhecimento para queimar pontas de cordas de nylon e evitar que desfiassem. / When I was 12 I learned of this test for the 1st time, at school (I had Textiles classes), but I did not remember most of the results. I only knew that nylon melts, which I used to finish nylon ropes (light a match, put the frayed ends of the rope near said match, watch the frayed ends melt into a blob)
- Quem já queimou cabelo sabe muito bem reconhecer o cheiro de uma fibra animal a arder. / If you have ever burned hair, that's the smell of an animal fiber burning.
- Ainda não sei a composição da linha, mas sempre a usei no Lizard Ridge, que por agora está parado. (A bouclé não, essa permanece na stash à espera de inspiração). Still no idea about the composition of the unknown yarn, but I did use it on my Lizard Ridge, which is not finished yet. The bouclé is still stashed, waiting for inspiration.
- Já tinha feito este teste em miúda (com 12 anos), na escola, em Têxteis, mas lembrava-me mal dos resultados. Excepto do nylon, que derrete. Usei muitas vezes esse conhecimento para queimar pontas de cordas de nylon e evitar que desfiassem. / When I was 12 I learned of this test for the 1st time, at school (I had Textiles classes), but I did not remember most of the results. I only knew that nylon melts, which I used to finish nylon ropes (light a match, put the frayed ends of the rope near said match, watch the frayed ends melt into a blob)
- Quem já queimou cabelo sabe muito bem reconhecer o cheiro de uma fibra animal a arder. / If you have ever burned hair, that's the smell of an animal fiber burning.
- Ainda não sei a composição da linha, mas sempre a usei no Lizard Ridge, que por agora está parado. (A bouclé não, essa permanece na stash à espera de inspiração). Still no idea about the composition of the unknown yarn, but I did use it on my Lizard Ridge, which is not finished yet. The bouclé is still stashed, waiting for inspiration.
PDI: Pyromaniac Detective Investigator
(O rascunho tem a data 15-11-2006 / Draft dated from 15-November-2006)
I haven't added the English translation yet, later today or tomorrow I will.
(título inspirado por um comentário aqui/ Title inspired by a comment here).
PDI: Pyromaniac Detective Investigator, the new TV series! ;-)
A propósito da linha desconhecida (a última destas), lá lhe fiz (várias vezes!) o teste do fogo, e para comparar queimei outras linhas de composição desconhecida. Ardeu como lã (ardeu com chama pequena e com cheiro intenso e característico a cabelo queimado, apagou-se pouco depois de retirar a chama, e o resíduo queimado eram bolinhas leves pretas que se esmigalhavam entre os dedos sem dificuldade deixando uma cinza preta que, novamente, cheirava a cabelo queimado). Não tem o toque típico da lã, mas arde textualmente como lã. Vou usá-la no Lizard Ridge. Quanto à outra (a bouclé azul), ainda não decidi se a quero guardar para fazer uma estola para mim ou para a minha mãe, ou se quero usá-la aqui.
Também pedi opiniões no fórum acima referido, e antes que se percam vou copiar os excertos mais interessantes para aqui (infelizmente estou com pouco tempo, não vou traduzir para português).
" Have you tried breaking it?
Wool normally, (not always,) breaks easier than acrylic, and it leaves fluffy ends.
When you did the burn test, did you try it over the flame then take the flame away.
Wool does not normally hold a flame so as soon as you remove it, the fire goes out.
It does not melt in the same way that acrylic does either.
If it is a blend of cotton and wool, it may have different burning properties.
Can you just knit a sample and wash it to see how it behaves.
If it washes well, you will not have to worry about what it is made up of."
Sobre o burn test, dois avisos: 1) obviamente, cuidado com o lume, dado que algumas fibras ardem depressa e com grande chama (não a lã, mas sim as fibras vegetais e sobretudo algumas artificiais). 2) Cuidado ao tentarem esmigalhar os resíduos queimados: os de fibras naturais arrefecem depressa, mas o resíduo queimado de acrílico permanece quente durante algum tempo depois de apagado (fiz duas pequenas queimaduras à conta disso...)
I haven't added the English translation yet, later today or tomorrow I will.
(título inspirado por um comentário aqui/ Title inspired by a comment here).
PDI: Pyromaniac Detective Investigator, the new TV series! ;-)
A propósito da linha desconhecida (a última destas), lá lhe fiz (várias vezes!) o teste do fogo, e para comparar queimei outras linhas de composição desconhecida. Ardeu como lã (ardeu com chama pequena e com cheiro intenso e característico a cabelo queimado, apagou-se pouco depois de retirar a chama, e o resíduo queimado eram bolinhas leves pretas que se esmigalhavam entre os dedos sem dificuldade deixando uma cinza preta que, novamente, cheirava a cabelo queimado). Não tem o toque típico da lã, mas arde textualmente como lã. Vou usá-la no Lizard Ridge. Quanto à outra (a bouclé azul), ainda não decidi se a quero guardar para fazer uma estola para mim ou para a minha mãe, ou se quero usá-la aqui.
Também pedi opiniões no fórum acima referido, e antes que se percam vou copiar os excertos mais interessantes para aqui (infelizmente estou com pouco tempo, não vou traduzir para português).
" Have you tried breaking it?
Wool normally, (not always,) breaks easier than acrylic, and it leaves fluffy ends.
When you did the burn test, did you try it over the flame then take the flame away.
Wool does not normally hold a flame so as soon as you remove it, the fire goes out.
It does not melt in the same way that acrylic does either.
If it is a blend of cotton and wool, it may have different burning properties.
Can you just knit a sample and wash it to see how it behaves.
If it washes well, you will not have to worry about what it is made up of."
Sobre o burn test, dois avisos: 1) obviamente, cuidado com o lume, dado que algumas fibras ardem depressa e com grande chama (não a lã, mas sim as fibras vegetais e sobretudo algumas artificiais). 2) Cuidado ao tentarem esmigalhar os resíduos queimados: os de fibras naturais arrefecem depressa, mas o resíduo queimado de acrílico permanece quente durante algum tempo depois de apagado (fiz duas pequenas queimaduras à conta disso...)
domingo, abril 19, 2009
Acabei de pôr tags no blogue.
Próximo passo: publicar os inúmeros posts antigos que estão em rascunho.
I finished tagging all posts.
Next: publishing all the old drafts...
Próximo passo: publicar os inúmeros posts antigos que estão em rascunho.
I finished tagging all posts.
Next: publishing all the old drafts...
terça-feira, abril 07, 2009
Olá? / Hello?
Ainda alguém lê isto?
Quero voltar a escrever no blogue, mas não tenho ideias novas nem tenho feito muito nos meus projectos de malha e crochet. Sendo assim, para já vou pôr etiquetas nos posts antigos, e publicar finalmente os posts que estão guardados como rascunhos. Se tudo correr bem, a inércia (de movimento ;-) ) há-de me manter a blogar, e quem sabe retomo alguns dos trabalhos entre mãos!
Anybody still reading this?
I want to make an effort to get blogging again, at least once in a while, but I am lacking new ideas and my WIPs are allabandoned on creative pause (cough). At the moment I am labeling the old posts, and next I will probably publish the old posts saved as drafts. Hopefully, then, the blog will keep rolling by itself ;-) and maybe inspire me to get crafting again!
Quero voltar a escrever no blogue, mas não tenho ideias novas nem tenho feito muito nos meus projectos de malha e crochet. Sendo assim, para já vou pôr etiquetas nos posts antigos, e publicar finalmente os posts que estão guardados como rascunhos. Se tudo correr bem, a inércia (de movimento ;-) ) há-de me manter a blogar, e quem sabe retomo alguns dos trabalhos entre mãos!
Anybody still reading this?
I want to make an effort to get blogging again, at least once in a while, but I am lacking new ideas and my WIPs are all
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