quarta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2006

Ganhei! / I won!

Aqui há dias a Mygomi, do Two Left Needles, fez um concurso. Queria ela que dissessemos por que motivo seria que o blogue dela se chama "Two Left Needles".

Some days ago Mygomi, from Two Left Needles, had a contest. She wanted us to tell why did we think her blog is called "Two Left Needles".

O que eu disse foi isto: What I said was this:

Well, I usually say I'm ambisinistrous, as in being 2-left-handed... What I mean is: I'm right-handed, but I do a lot of things the opposite way to how "normal people" do (when I was a child several teachers asked me if I was left-handed... I am not.).
So, when reading "2 left needles" I think of someone who knits like me: sometimes backwards, other times wrong side out, who prefers to purl rather than knit, to make increases and decreases in the purl side. Someone who makes things differently, in a way that looks clumsy and wrong, but still obtains good results and has a great deal of fun in it!


E ganhei! Aliás, foi um primeiro lugar ex-aequo (e sugiro que leiam o conto cheio de imaginação que ganhou o outro primeiro lugar).

Foi-nos dado a escolher um destes seis prémios, e eu escolhi o bouclé de seda e mohair. Tem umas cores inesperadas, é macio, e eu nunca tive oportunidade de trabalhar com seda! Estou cheia de vontade de fazer um cachecol para mim (este não é para oferecer...).
She let us choose one of these six prizes, and I chose the silk/mohair boucle. It has unexpected colours, it is soft, and I never had the chance to knit with silk! I will make a scarf for me (this one I will keep!).

Entretanto, tenho andado a ler o blogue dela com mais atenção e está a inspirar-me para fiar e tingir. E um dia (quando tiver mais espaço, não agora) também eu hei-de ter uma roda de fiar! Digam lá se não é bonita!
I have been reading her blog with more attention and it inspires me to spin and dye. And one day (when I have more room, not now) I will have a spinning wheel as well! Isn't it pretty?

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Well done! That yarn looks delightful!



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