sexta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2006

Olympic Newsflash 5

Scroll down to the English version.

"(Jornalista): Com os Jogos Olímpicos da Malha quase a terminar, o desempenho da atleta TGZ voltou a atingir um bom ritmo e tudo parece preparado para que consiga terminar as meias no Domingo. De facto, atingiu já o calcanhar da segunda meia, e desta vez já sabe as alterações a fazer. Foi por isso com grande surpresa que recebemos a notícia da sua desistência da competição. Mais uma vez, temos a entrevista exclusiva...

Boa tarde, TGZ. Foi com grande surpresa que a equipa portuguesa recebeu a notícia da sua desistência. Quer explicar-nos o que sucedeu?

(TGZ): Boa tarde. De facto, a segunda meia vai em bom andamento, o calcanhar vai a mais de meio e tudo corre bem. Porém, tenho de abandonar a competição hoje porque vou visitar a família e só volto na Segunda-feira, e não seria justo estar com eles sem lhes dar atenção para acabar a segunda meia a tempo. Além disso, lá não tenho acesso ao meu blogue e não posso pôr aqui fotografias. Portanto, parece-me mais justo desistir da competição agora.

(Jornalista): Mas isso não fará com que nunca mais acabe a segunda meia?

(TGZ): Não. Já defini para mim mesma que o desafio permanece: quando chegar na Segunda-feira, o tempo recomeça a contar para mim como se fosse Sexta à noite. E terei portanto de acabar a segunda meia até Quarta de manhã. Se o fizer, considerarei que cumpri o desafio. Não sei se os juízes aceitarão esta variante da competição, mas mesmo que fique desqualificada das medalhas de ouro, sentirei que cumpri o meu dever e que venci o desafio.

(Jornalista): O que aprendeu nesta competição?

(TGZ): Aprendi que tenho mais tempo e mais capacidade de tricotar do que julgava. Aprendi que gosto de fazer meias com agulhas mais grossas do que de 2mm (estou mesmo a precisar de umas DPNs de 2,25mm, ou 2,5mm ou 2,75mm, outras de 3mm e talvez mais grossas), embora eu vá terminar as Jaywalkers em agulha fina. Mas vou procurar ter sempre umas meias simples em andamento como projecto para trazer na carteira. Preciso de arranjar mais agulhas linha de meias!

Boa sorte aos que permanecem na competição, e até Segunda!"

(hoje não tirei fotos, a máquina está sem pilhas)


"(Journalist): With the Knitting Olympics almost in the end, the knitlete TGZ has achieved a good speed and everything seems ready to complete her socks on Sunday. In fact, she is knitting the heel of the second sock, and this time the pattern is already corrected to fit her foot. So, it was a great surprise and shock to the Portuguese team when she announced she was leaving the competition today. Once again, we have an exclusive interview...

Good afternoon, TGZ. It was with great surprise that the Portuguese team received the news of your leaving the competition. Could you explain what happened?

(TGZ): Good afternoon. It's true: the second sock is going fine, the heel is more than half done and everything is going all right. But I have to leave the competition today because I am going to visit family and I only come back on Monday, and it wouldn't be fair to them if I stood with them without paying attention just to finish the second sock in time. Besides, I cannot acess my blog over there so I cannot post photos here. So, it seemed better to give up the competition now.

(Journalist): Isn't that going to lead you to never finish your second sock?

(TGZ): No. I defined to myself that the challenge remains: when I come back on Monday, time starts counting again as if it were Friday night. So, I will have to finish my socks until Wednesday morning. If I do that, I will consider I fulfilled my challenge. I don't know if the judges will accept this variant of the competition, but even if I am disqualified from the gold medals, I will feel I have completed the challenge and won!

(Journalist): What have you learned in this competition?

(TGZ): I learned I have more time and more ability to knit than I thought I did. I learned that I love to knit sock with thicker DPNs (I really need to buy more sets of DPNs: 2.25mm, 2.5mm, 2.75mm, another one of 3mm and maybe thicker!), but I will still finish my Jaywalkers on fine needles. From now on, I will try to have always some simple socks in the needles as a project to carry with me on my handbag. I need to buy sock yarn and needles!

Good luck to the ones who are still on competition, and see you on Monday!"

(Today there are no photos, the camera is without batteries)

2 comentários:

Möhkö disse...

First of all, congratulations for a very nice web site;)

This might sound pretty desperate (well im am...), but do you know any yarn stores or places that sell yarn, in Portugal? Lisbon?
Im moving there in autumn and now im afraid that i cant find any yarn there :D

I would be very happy for your answer;)

knit_tgz disse...

Hi. I hope you read this, as your name does not link to your blog or to any email address, so I don't know how to contact you.

There are some yarn stores is Lisbon, some have more variety than others (if you email me, i can answer in more detail to your email address!), but the best yarn store I know in Portugal is in Porto. There are still some stores in Lisbon which I have not checked, and maybe they're also nice. There's also Rosarios 4, which is a yarn factory and sells online, but you have to buy at least 500g or 1 kg of the same yarn (I don't remember).

Where are you from? Maybe in your country there is more variety of yarns or more LYS, but you can still find yarn over here. Hope you email me so I can help you better!


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